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Process - Book-making (28.04.2010)
Quick Links to the process:
03.02.2010 Website Mid-Term Assessment
02.03.2010 First Trial on Photo Shooting
08.03.2010 Mid-Term Presentation
of Final Draft
11.03.2010 Google Map
(Street View) Launch
20.03.2010 Rethink
02.04.2010 Finish the
Photo-shooting process
19.04.2010 Photo Retouch and
23.04.2010 Book Layout Design
27.04.2010 Paper-buying and Printing
28.04.2010 Book-making
30.04.2010 Submission
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The final step... is the time for doing handcraft work!


After the printing, It is the time for the book making. Around 70 papers are needed to cut out for
the handcraft works, like the paper merging. Around 10 hours is needed for doing one copy of the book. 2 copies cost me around 1 day. It is also the reason why I can just prepared 2 copies before
the submission.

Many many plastic tapes for merging those papers

It's a "paper leg" which used as stand for some paper work.
It bought for testing to make the book "stand up"

Test for the book folding

Layouts again....

Cut and crop the pages from the layouts

All cropped pages... waiting to "link-up"

Connect the pages...

Nearly finish...

In the other view

The book cover

Hard cover is made.



The rubbish made during the cutting...

It shows the differences between the "pressed" side and the "unpressed".
"pressed" the side can make the book became slim...


Withdrawal of the web part


After the handcraft works of book making (with 2 copies), there is no time for doing the planned web part anymore.