The meaning of moving images is either video or animation. Video is about shooting at the real location and animation is the creation with still images.
It is sure that video is always attracting, but there is a potential problem appeared. As the technical concern for playing thousands of videos at a same time, there are around 20 videos are recorded are presented on the web. The rest of the parts of the road are still appeared in a still form.
It is a hard decision for choosing the spots for making the video. Applying rules can be a way but it is still something missed on the rest of the road. Finally, for a easy management, the video recorded is based on the distance. Each spot for video recording is distanced with 50 street numbers.
Animation may be a better solution in this case. Making a Flash web animation may solved the problem of the limitation of the canvas of the video. The whole road can be exactly the whole canvas of the animation. But, it may need much more time for doing by comparing with video shooting and editing. However, animation is still preferred as the personal interest. |