Culture & Experience Design of Web3: NFT in Hong Kong

Research Report

August 2022
Graduation, capstone research project for MDes Design Strategies, PolyU, 2022

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a buzzword in Hong Kong in 2022. In fear of missing out, local companies, brands, artists and individuals are flocked to join by minting (create and launch) or investing on NFT. It becomes a new kind of digital asset for investment. It is a hype in the society but how many participants are well understood NFT? The entry barriers, technological knowledge, possible and potential risks lead to bias and questions.

Instead of speculation and flipping, what are the benefits and values NFT brings to Hong Kong? Would it be a bubble and a gimmick of marketing strategy only? It is full of questions in the society across the aspects of business, stakeholders, operators and the end customers.

Publications either focusing on technical knowledge or profits made by NFTs. Studies and analysis on its impacts to Hong Kong are lacking. As a result, Culture & Experience Design of Web3: NFT in Hong Kong is then developed as a self established research project by Melvin, as the graduation capstone research paper for his master degree in PolyU, 2022.

The final report is formatted and produced as a B5 size full colour booklet for submission.

For the summary of the research report, please visit:
Summary Report

Research Method

  • Literature Review
  • Survey
  • Interview
  • Observation
  • Case Studies